I'm Back!!

Hey y'all! I sincerely apologize for not posting for almost 3 months. Has it really been that long? Yes, yes it has. I did not intend on abandoning this blog for that long, but here we are, two and a half months later. I just now have seen the comments asking where I'm at, and I apologize for not responding to those. However, I am back and I don't intend on being gone that long again. Thank you so much for your patience! 

So, where have I been? Well, to be honest, I've been living my life. Nothing drastic happened, and I celebrated my seventeenth birthday a couple months ago :). I really don't have an explanation as to why I haven't posted, but I am sorry! I had no idea the last time I posted that it would be the last time for quite awhile. Sheesh!! I plan on posting more "devotional" type posts in the future, so stay tuned :). School has been quite busy these days, and I got behind at one point, so I am just now *finally* getting caught back up. 

Y'all, it's SPRING!! This is my favorite season, as the weather is starting to get warm again!! Trees are blooming, and the birds are chirping! Although, today, the high was 48°! Compared to the 70's that we've been having, that is coooollldddd. I'm a month away from being finished with my junior year in high school, and I don't think I've ever wanted summer to come faster than this year. I am so ready for warm summer days, free to so anything other than school!

I know this post is just a jumble of thoughts pressed into one blog post, but I wanted to make a quick post to tell you I am back!! 


  1. Hi Caleigh!
    I'm glad you're back and I hope to see more posts from you soon!

    1. Thank you! I have some posts coming up soon ;)


  2. Glad you're back. By the way I changed my blog link

    1. Thanks Kiara! Okay cool! Can you send me the link? I'd love to check it out :)


    2. agirlservingchrist.blogspot.com

    3. awesome! I'll check it out!!


  3. Glad you're back, Caleigh!! πŸ’œ

  4. Yay!!! You're back :) There was one time where I didn't post for almost 4 months, so you're not doing THAT bad! And we finally went to Barnes and Noble today, with that ten dollar gift card I won in December!! ~Caitlyn

    1. Yay!! If you don't mind me asking, what did you end up spending it on?


  5. Yay so glad you are back Caleigh!! I think we all get caught up in life sometimes and forget to let our friends know what's going on 🀣 cant wait to see more posts πŸ˜„

    1. This is very true! Thank you! I can't wait to post again!



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