Top 5 Christmas Movies//Day 10πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

One of my favorite things to do when Christmas season comes around is curl up on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate (extra marshmallows of course) and watch Christmas movies! There are plenty of good Christmas movies to choose from! Here are my Top 5 Christmas Movies (in no particular order)!

 πŸŽ„ Home Alone. This is probably one of the greatest Christmas movies ever! The sad thing is, the first time I watched it was last year 😬. 10/10 recommend putting this one on your Christmas movie watchlist.

 πŸŽ„ A Charlie Brown Christmas. We watch this extremely short Christmas movie every year (it's only 25 minutes long!!), and it never gets old. I love all things related to Charlie Brown, so we watch a Charlie Brown movie for pretty much every holiday, lol.

 πŸŽ„ The Polar Express. Unfortunately, I haven't watched this movie in several years, which makes me really sad. However, it's such a nostalgic movie, I don't think I could ever not like this movie.

 πŸŽ„ The Grinch. So, I know there are like 3 different ones, so you may be wondering which one I'm talking about. All of the above, lol. However, I definitely loved the new(ish) animated one. My grandma, sister, and I got to watch it in the theatre when it first came out, which was super fun, considering we never go to the movie theatre.

 πŸŽ„The Santa Clause. This one is probably less known, but is still a great movie! There are at least 2 more of these movies (The Santa Clause 2 & 3), but I don't remember if I've ever watched them or not. I do, however, remember loving this one!!

That's it! Which movies did I forget? What's your favorite Christmas movie?


  1. I've watch "Home Alone". It's not one of my favorites, but I really like A Charlie Brown Christmas.

    1. Charlie Brown Christmas is a favorite for sure!!


  2. Christmas Oranges and The Nativity Story are my favs!!

    1. I have never heard of Christmas Oranges! I'll have to check it out!!


    2. Ooh, The Nativity Story is such a great movie!! We watch it every Christmas Eve.

  3. I haven't seen too many Christmas movies, but my favorites are probably Elf and A Christmas Story. :)

    1. I've never seen Elf :( I know, I know, it's sad lol


  4. LOVE all these! Never watched home alone though.

    1. Oh, you should definitely watch Home Alone, it is seriously one of the best Christmas movies ever!



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