Stocking Stuffer Ideas//Day 22๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„

As Christmas draws closer (can you believe it's the 22nd of December?? Where has the time gone?), it's time to start stuffing the stockings, if you haven't already. Here are my top 10 stocking stuffers!

  • Candy. I mean, isn't this one obvious? Who doesn't like to receive candy as a gift? This is a super simple and cheap gift, and it's small enough to fit in a stocking. What's not to love?
  • Socks. Okay, okay, you might laugh at this one, but I love crazy socks. I have like 7 or 8 pairs with random things on them (one pair has cherries, another has burgers and fries, another one has foxes, etc.), and I love them! Christmasy socks are great too. Or the giant fluffy ones that look more like oven mitts than socks -- yeah those are reaaallll cozy๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. There are so many options! Just make sure socks aren't the only stocking stuffer, lol.
  • Jewelry. This one is more for girls. Whether a nice pair of earrings, a necklace, a ring, or anything else, jewelry is always nice to receive, especially if there is a reason behind it :).
  • Giftcards. The good thing about giftcards is you can spend as little or as much as you would like on them. They are easy to find in stores, and they are quite cost effective, as well.
  • Card games. I don't know about y'all, but I love playing card games! They are so much fun! Card games are great, and I would be ecstatic to receive a card game in my stocking, especially if it's not a well known one (such as this one, which may seem silly when you first look at it, but it really brings out the competitiveness in everyone. My family has played this games with many friends and relatives, and not one person hasn't liked it!).
  • Perfume/cologne. This might be a little more expensive, but the smells will be worth it, lol! 
  • A handmade gift. This one is free, and wouldn't take much work, depending on how diy-friendly you are. For me, I am not a DIY person, but there are plenty of creative people out there who can draw, or can do lettering, or anything else! Get creative, and it'll mean a lot that you made it yourself :)
  • Christmas ornaments. This one is great for everyone, and they're not hard to find, either!
  • Electronic gadgets. If your friend has a phone, laptop, or tablet, there are plenty of great gadgets out there for it. Whether this be a pair of earbuds, or a phone case, or a bluetooth speaker, your friend will be sure to love the new addition to their electronic collection๐Ÿ˜‰
  • Books. Unless it's too big, a good book would be great to add to the stocking!
Okay, that's all for now! See y'all tomorrow morning!


  1. Awesome list!! Thanks for the ideas! :D

  2. Gift cards and books have my vote!

  3. Ooh! I know I would love to receive any of these things in my stoking!!

    Jewelry is for anyone that wants it! Whether your a guy or a gal, or non binary pal, jewelry is for you if you want it!!!


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