Guest Host: A Poem by Mrs. Trish Minix//Day 12πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

So, this wasn't my original plan for this guest host, but I'm glad it worked out this way :). Several years ago, my family and Mrs. Trish became friends through church. We have stayed friends through the years, even after us leaving our previous church, and her moving out of town. Every year, we receive a Christmas poem from Mrs. Trish. I don't know how long she's sent these original poems out, but I don't remember ever not receiving a poem from Mrs. Trish. It always brings such a light to my Christmas, so I am very pleased to announce that I will be sharing that poem with you today!!

Beyond the Manger 

The 2020 Original Poem by Trish Minix

Beyond the babe-the manger

beyond the bed of straw

Beyond the angels' praising

beyond what shepherds saw

Beyond gift-bearing wisemen

beyond the parents' awe

Beyond the birth of Jesus

born without a flaw

Beyond our selfish wishes

beyond our hearts of pride

The cross is where we'll find Him

and where we shall abide

For staying at the manger

to only see Christ there

We only glory in His birth

with not much else to share

Let's go 'beyond the manger'

and see the cross--His glory

Then here 'beyond the manger'

we'll see God's Christmas story!

~Trish Minix, 2020


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