Guest Host: Maddie!!//Day 19πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

Hey y'all! Our third guest host is about to take over this post! How exciting! I sincerely hope you've enjoyed the last two guest hosts! I know I have! A good friend of mine, Maddie is always encouraging others in their walk with Jesus! So now, I know y'all don't want to hear me continue to ramble, so please welcome Maddie!!

Remembering the Reason of Christmas

Remembering the reason of Christmas is important for all to remember. Christmas has a meaning, this time of year is not just some holiday on December 25th. There is a important reason for this season. That reason is Jesus Christ, the Savior of this world. Jesus was born on Christmas, and years later Jesus would die on the cross for all. I think many people forget the main reason of Christmas, and I understand because it is so easy to get caught up in the holidays with seeing family, and shopping for presents. As Christians and followed of Christ we need to remember what He has done for us and give thanks. Jesus is the reason we don’t have to live in sin because He laid down His life to give us a new life without sin. He died on the cross thinking of each and every one of us, He had all of us in mind when He was going through pain and suffering. I think it’s crazy that each and everyone one of us was in Jesus’s mind and He thought of us. He did all of that for us, so we need to give thanks not just in the season of Christmas but in every season of life. Christmas can’t be the only time you think about the birth of Jesus and what He later would do for us. You have to constantly have in your mind what Jesus did for us, you have to constantly be thinking about Him and living your life for Him. If you’re going to live your life for Jesus, you have to be all in. All In isn’t doing things in your life for Jesus sometimes, or occasionally but all the time. You can’t pick and choose what you want to do for Christ, Jesus laid down His life for us so we need to be willing to lay down our life for Him. Sacrificing things for God is not easy but it’s so worth it. You get rewarded for living your life for Christ, and sacrificing things for Him. That reward is something none of us deserve. That reward is the gift of eternal life. None of us deserve to spend an eternity with God, but Jesus died for us so we would be able to. We now will not have to spend eternity separated from God but we get to spend eternity with God. This is the greatest gift we could receive so let’s spend this season remembering and giving thanks to the one who gave us life from Him laying His life down for us. 


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