Guest Host: Ellie!!//Day 26πŸŽ‡πŸŽ‡

Wow! (I feel like the majority of my blog posts have started with that word lol) This is our very last guest host! I hope you've enjoyed these, I know I most certainly have! We got another fantastic host: my good friend/penpal Ellie!

Hi friends! *waves to you all from a safe distance away* Thanks so much for asking
me to guest post, Caleigh! I’m very excited to be here at your corner of the web. And this
blogmas challenge has been AWESOME, btw. 

Can you believe that by this time next week we’ll have entered the new year?? 2020
will be behind us. For good. That doesn’t necessarily mean masks and COVID will go away
(although we can certainly pray for God to work a miracle), but it’s exciting nonetheless.

Why? Because God’s not done with us yet. The breath you just took in bears
witness to this. May we seek to serve our Lord Jesus always, in every season of life. Paul
writes in Romans 8:38-39 that neither “death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things
present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth” can separate us from God’s
love, so surely corona and messy presidential elections can’t, either!

There’re a couple traditions I hold to at the beginning of each new year, one of
which is the resolution to write every day in my journal. I’ve kept at this from late 2017
to the present, and it has been very rewarding. I love going back through my journals and
seeing how God has used particular events in my life to shape me into who I am today.

This upcoming year, I encourage you to join me. Make your own goal of how many
days you want to journal for, find a notebook and pen just for the purpose, and get started.
You might fall short of your own expectations and think, “I skipped a day. My writing is
crummy. I can’t make things sound exciting. Is journaling really worth all this?”

Well, for me, yes, it is. It’s worth every night I force myself to write instead of picking
up the new book I’ve been waiting for, or the days I have to scratch out the same word
several times over because my pen can’t keep up with my train of thought. And yes, you and
I must accept the fact that some entries will look better (or worse) than others.

The main thing to remember when journaling is not to give up. Decide ahead of time
why you’re doing this. For me, it means a chance to sharpen my penmanship and writing
skills and to work on keeping a habit for longer than a few weeks. Plus, it gives me
something to reflect on later—an opportunity to pause and look back at such-and-such a
time of my life.

Another point to keep in mind: when it comes to journaling, there’s no right or
wrong way of doing things. Just be the person God made you to be. Don’t worry about that
misspelling, that grammar flaw, or the thought of not making the entry good enough. Write
what you feel led to, and don’t go back to fix the mistakes.

Does this sound like something you’d like to try? Drop a comment below and tell me!
Also . . . happy New Year!!πŸ’•

Blessings, Ellen


  1. Nice guest post, Caleigh! I'm gonna miss your daily posts. I've been journaling almost every day since the beginning of 2019. I've missed several days accidently, but as a friend told me, "when you break your routine, get right back at it".

    1. That's so cool, Lilly! I will miss the daily posts too ;)


  2. Thank you so much for asking me to do a guest post, Caleigh!! I really enjoyed it. =)

    1. Thank you for agreeing to it!! It was perfect!!


  3. Fun post, Caleigh and Ellen! :D

    1. Thanks, Hannah! Ellie did a wonderful job ;)!



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