Giveaway Winner Announced//Last Day of Blogmas//Day 31๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡

THANK YOU!!! Thank y'all so, so much for allowing me to do this challenge! Today is the very last day, and while I will admit, I am sighing with relief that I no longer have to sit at my computer every night planning my next post, this doesn't mean that I won't miss Blogmas. It's truly been a blessing!! I've been able to connect with readers so much more than I would have if I had not posted every day of December. It's been wonderful! I sincerely hope that you will stick around, because I have exciting things planned for 2021!! 
If you aren't already, I ask you to consider clicking the "subscribe" button at the top of the page. This just means that you'll get an email every time I post, so you'll never miss out ;). I also thought I would point out that once you subscribe, you will get a confirmation email asking you to confirm that you want to receive emails every time I post. You'll need to click the confirm button at the bottom of the email in order for you to continue receiving emails. I know, it's confusing, lol. 

Just for your enjoyment, here's a list (with links) to every blog post in December.
So, I'm super curious to know: what was your favorite post? 

Okay, so I know you all are dying to know, sooooo here is the winner of the 2020 Christmas Giveaway!!
Caitlyn O'Brien!!
Congratulations, Caitlyn!! I will be sending out your gift card to Barnes and Noble soon! Please email me at the email address in the comments as soon as you see this so that I can get your mailing address :). Congratulations, and thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who who has supported, encouraged, and helped with this Blogmas! Huge thank you to all of my guest hosts, your posts really made Blogmas exciting!! Don't worry, I'll not be gone from the blog long. I hope to post again in the next few days, so be on the lookout :). Until then, 
Bye y'all!!


  1. Congrats, Caitlyn!!!! I really enjoyed Blogmas, Caleigh and am looking forward to more posts from this blog!

    1. Thank you, Lilly! I'm looking forward to it, as well!!


  2. Congrats, Caitlyn!! Enjoy your goodies! <31
    Loved taking part in this Blogmas series, Caleigh!! Looking forward to 2021 posts. :)
    Happt New Year!!

    1. *happy, not happt. XD (sorry, wrote the above while holding Ruby.)

    2. Thank you, m'friend!! Happy New Year! And hug that sweet baby a little tighter for me ;)


  3. Congratulations Caitlyn!!
    I dont know for sure which was my favorite but I did go back and read all the Blogmas posts. ( crazy I know ๐Ÿ˜‚) they were all great. Probably the personal snippets were my fav. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Happy New Year!!! ๐ŸŽ†

    1. Thanks for the feedback, Rachel :). You can look forward to many more personal snippets in the future, lol. And THANK YOU for going back and reading all those blog posts! That's a lot, I know :). Happy New Year!


  4. Oh my word! I can't believe I won! I saw my name, and I jumped all over LOL :) It was so much fun reading all your Blogmas posts! Happy new Year's everybody!

    1. Yayyy! I was excited you won, too :). Happy New Years to you, as well!!


  5. Congrats Caitlyn!!
    This was so fun Caleigh, I enjoyed it so much!! Happy New Year, friend!!

    1. Thank you, Autumn! Your words mean so much! Happy New Year to you too <3 <3!!


  6. Thank you Caleigh for a fun Christmas!
    I’m sighing relief for you too! ๐Ÿ˜‚ I know the blog tour was tiring- and that was only 7 days ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    Happy new year! Hope 2021 is better! ๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. Lol!! Yes, it was tiring, but wow was it worth it!! Thanks so much!
      Happy New Year!!



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