Challenge//Day 21πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

It's hard to believe that this is our second to last challenge! I hope you've enjoyed these! This one is especially simple. Write someone a letter. It could be anyone: your best friend, your penpal, or anyone else you feel led to talk to! I don't know about you, but I sincerely love receiving snail mail :). Christmas time is my favorite for this, as we are constantly receiving Christmas cards from loved ones. I have a penpal (some of you may know the lovely Ellen), and she is the best!! We started out as email-pals, but then we quickly started writing letters to one another, and now we do both :). She is the person who inspired me to start this blog, so huge shoutout to her!

Writing letters is such fun! All you really need is an envelope, a stamp, some notebook paper, and a pen, but if you want to spruce it up a little bit, washy tape, stickers and little flat items (such as drawings, tea bags, or pressed flowers) are great little "extras" for your letters that don't require much money or work. 
A few necessary (and extra) items for a handwritten letter: an envelope, a piece of stationary paper (although notebook paper works just as well), a sticker page, a nice pen, a little prayer card that can be colored with the brush pens, and washy tape. These are just a few options for stationary. That's the good thing about writing letters: make it yours!! 

So, the challenge this week is to write a letter to someone you know, telling them how much they mean to you! The hardest part of this challenge will most likely be finding your friend's address, lol. Add any extras you would like, and then seal it up, stick a stamp on it along with your return address, and place it in the mailbox (or deliver it to your nearest post office) to be delivered! If you place it in your mailbox, don't forget to put up the flag, so the postal workers will know that the letter in the mailbox is to be mailed, not a piece of leftover mail from the day before :). That's it! It's that simple!  

“Once upon a time I wrote a letter
And another one
And another one
And I was hooked.
I ♥️ Snailmail! 😊 “

Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.”
-Isaac Asimov

“I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.”
-Mark Twain


  1. Haha! I am a huge letter writer! Someone even gave me a letter kit for Christmas! πŸ˜‚
    “Once upon a time I wrote a letter
    And another one
    And another one
    And I was hooked.
    I ♥️ Snailmail! 😊 “

    1. Okay πŸ˜‚
      I tried not to- but I can’t stop! You are going to get letter quotes!!!

    2. “Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.”
      -Isaac Asimov

    3. “I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.”
      -Mark Twain

    4. Ohhhhh I love these!!! I am going to include them at the end of this post, lol :) A letter kit sounds AMAZING, btw


  2. Fun! I think this is my favorite challenge so far. πŸ˜„ And thanks so much for your sweet words....they made my whole morning. ❤ I love having you as my pen/email pal!!

    1. Yay! I'm glad you liked it! I love that we are email/pen pals too!! <3 <3


  3. LOL to the Mark Twain quote. That's like me when I try to write a story.

    1. I completely agree!! I tend to overwrite, lol πŸ˜‚


  4. Now this is a challenge I can do! I LOVE writing my 7 pen pals!

    1. Wow! 7 penpals sounds like sooo much fun! It also sounds a little overwhelming, lol :) So glad you liked the post!


  5. I love sending letters to my friends! :D


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