A Quick Life Update

Hey y'all! I just wanted to write a quick post today! School is starting soon (I start next Monday), and it seems crazy to me that summer is drawing to a close. With school starting soon, I wanted to let y'all know that I might not be able to post as much, due to my busy schedule (I know, I'm really not posting enough right now!). But hang in there. I've got some ideas, and with a little bit of time, they will turn into super fun blog posts (hopefully ;))! Also, is there anything you would like me to write about? I've thought about doing a series of blog posts (like a part 1,2, & 3 type of posts), but I don't know what that would look like. Any ideas? 

The weather here in NC has been HOT. Like, we are sweltering over here. We have had several big thunderstorms, with thunder loud enough to shake the house, lol, but besides that, it has been in the high 90's. As in 90 degrees. Phew! Life has been pretty busy lately, due to getting ready for school. 

So, what did quarantine this summer look like for you? Was it really the worst summer ever, as some people are saying? This was a really good summer for me! When do you start school? I know most people are starting on the 17th. What will school look like for you this year?

Thanks for hanging in this craziness with me, y'all have no idea what a blessing it's been to have a blog during all of this!


  1. Loved reading this!! <3 Please post whenever you can!

    1. Thanks, Ellie! Yes, I absolutely will try my best!


  2. I enjoy life update posts because it's always fun to glimse into other people's lives. πŸ˜† For me school starts mid- September, but it will be all online for at least a month after that. And yes, this has been a pretty good summer, even if it is more low key than usual.

    1. Good to hear, Katelyn! Yes, I know here, a lot of schools are doing online for the first 90 days. Fortunately for me, being homeschooled, that is not the case ;). So glad you've had a good summer!


  3. It was a pretty nice summer, cause I got to visit y'all a lot! School is a partially depressing though, but at least friends are there, right?

    1. Yay! Glad your summer was good, I know you made a lot of trips to NC ;). Lol, yes, friends are the best!


  4. I had a good summer. I got to ride horse, write about 6000 words, work (fencing in the summertime is NOT fun. But then, when is fencing fun? :P), watch horse racing, and just sort of hang out. It was fun. But summer isn't quite over for me yet. *celebrates*
    I'm afraid I don't have really any ideas for blog posts. Except, for the series of blog posts you could do a book series. (Everything with me goes back to books or horses. Lol)

    1. Ooh, sounds like your summer was super fun! Riding horses is one of the best things ever!


  5. School will probably start in early September (probably the day after Labor day). Our homeschool co-op is planned to start up the following week. So, probably a month from today. Eeks. :-|


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