Liebster Award

Hello friends! When I got home from the beach, one of the first things I did was get caught up on my favorite blog, Musings by Ellen. When I did, I saw that she had nominated me for the Liebster Award! Thank you so much, Ellie, it means a lot! This is my first post that I've been tagged in, and I think it's so cool! Here's how it works:

1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Display your award

3. Answer the questions you were asked
4. Nominate 5 bloggers
5. Ask 6 new questions
6. Let your nominees know they were nominated

Ellie's Questions:

1. What's one thing your dad does that makes you feel loved? So I thought about this one for awhile, and I finally decided. The way he is involved in his daughters' lives. The father's job is to protect and provide for the family, which my Dad does wonderfully. However, he goes above and beyond and is very involved in our lives. I think it would be easier for him to be involved in his son's life, if he had one. I've always felt like my Dad was there for me. He compliments both my sister and me constantly, which is greatly appreciated. He hangs out with us, whether it's playing a game of CAT on the basketball goal, playing his signature game Super Hide and Tag, or playing racing games on the Xbox with us. Even after a long day at work, he always comes up with a smile on his face, ready to hang out with us, when you know he would probably rather just go to bed. So yes, that means a lot to me.
2. Do you consider yourself a morning person? Yes, I do. Although getting out of bed isn't always my cup of tea, once I've had a shower, I feel ready to go! I enjoy the early morning hours, but sometimes it is a little tough getting up, lol.
3. Would you rather watch movies or TV shows (or neither)? TV shows! I love binge watching something good on Netflix. I feel like movies can be too long. However, there are some movies that I LOVE, like Peter Rabbit. That movie is the absolute best.
4. Can you describe to me one exciting moment of your life when you were walking on air? Hmmm, probably when I got my driver's license. That was such a cool feeling that I'd been dreaming of since I was little.
5. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to, and why? Ahhhh! Why? I love my name and I really would not change it for anything. But if I had no choice? Ughhh this is so hard. Probably Heidi? I've always liked that name and I've thought about naming my future daughter that, if I have one.
6. What's one book on your TBR that you absolutely can't WAIT to read? Oh there are so many! Right now, probably the final four four books in the series Anne of Green Gables. I just got them in this past week!

Fun questions, Ellie! Now for my questions:

1. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
2. What is the most physical pain you've ever been through?
3. What is your favorite instrument to listen to?
4. If you could meet any famous person, living or dead, who would want to meet, and why?
5. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
6. Is there one food that you refuse to eat?

And finally, I nominate....

SawyerMarie @ Sundrop Girls
Victoria Paige @  Victoria Paige
and Hannah (BookWorm3000) in the comments!
(the nominations were hard, considering Ellie got a lot of the ones I was going to nominate, lol! Stop stealing my nominations, Ellie πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚! Juuuusssstttt kidding ;))

This was super fun to do! Thanks for the nomination, Ellie!


  1. Super fun to read, Caleigh!

  2. Loved reading this!! And I'm honored to know my blog is one of your favorites. 😊😍
    Thanks for doing the tag, Caleigh!! ❤

    1. Thanks, Ellie! Yes, I lovelovelove your blog!!


  3. So much fun to read! πŸ’–

  4. I'm going to do this in the comments:
    1-I am an introverted extrovert. Meaning: I need to be with people 90 precent of the time. However- I need a bit of alone time so I don't burn out.
    2-I don't know.... Probably helping at Woodstock. I was 11 and wanted to work harder then the 17 year old boys *laughing* I almost fainted...... I work in the kitchen now. lol
    4- Jesus Christ or Mother Theresa. Both loved the poor and the hurting.
    5- Where I live now, Idaho, small town. I am perfectly happy!
    6-Nope- errr. Besides hot sauce and mustered. But those are not a food....

    1. Yay! Thanks, SawyerMarie! Great answers!


  5. I answered your questions on my blog. I had fun doing it!

    1. Yay! Thanks, Katelyn! I left a comment on your blog ;)


  6. loved reading your answers!! thanks for nominating me --- these questions are so fun!

    1. You're welcome! I'm so glad you had fun!


  7. Wonderful! Thank you for nominating me! Oh boy....gotta get to thinking for 5 more bloggers. Eek!

    1. You're welcome, Leah! Ikr! It was so hard picking nominees. I picked some good ones though, for sure ;)!


  8. Replies
    1. Thanks, Annika! It was so much fun to do!


  9. Aww!!!!!!! Thank you so much for nominating me! That means a lot to me. �� Should I ask 6 new questions and nominate people through the comments (because I don't go to many blogs and I think they've all been nominated)?
    Anyway, my answers:
    1. Compared to my big sis, I'm an extrovert. In real life, I'm not sure. I like to talk rather than listen usually (like an extrovert), but I can be shy at teenager parties (even though I'm almost 14), especially if I don't really know the people. But I am doing a theatre group, so I don't know. *shrugs*
    2. Most physical pain? Probably November of 2019. I had an infection and had a 'surgery'. That's what they called it. It was done by a pediatric surgeon, I was awake for it, and it hurt like you wouldn't believe; that's about all I know. (But I've also broken my left arm and sprained my right ankle.)
    3. Piano/keyboard. It's so simple and yet can be elegant. It's very flexible in the types of music it can play (i.e. dramatic, peaceful, sad; it does all of those well). Violin is probably my second favorite.
    4. Besides Jesus, it would probably be Corrie ten Boom or Gladys Aylward. Both were Christian women who I look up to.
    5. Probably here in North Carolina (though for visiting, I would like to visit all 50 states and Germany).
    6. I don't know. There are plenty of foods that I don't like, but I would probably say a Carolina Reaper (if I had to eat if plain). I can't do a lot of spicy and it's the hottest pepper in the world, so...
    Well, there you have it. Thanks again, Caleigh! ��

    1. I'd LOVE to meet Corrie ten Boom too, Hannah! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–

    2. Hi Hannah! No, you do not have to do nominations! I know it's a lot! Thank you for answering the questions!! I definitely agree with Ellie, Corrie Ten Boom was such an amazing woman!! Love your answers, Hannah!


    3. Thanks! I had fun doing it!


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